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eMind Simulation and Tutorial Software
This completely interactive selection contains five virtual dissections, a genetics fruit fly lab, and a microscope simulation. The eMind Tutorial Series is a sequence of interactive tutorials designed to reinforce the content and major concepts presented in a typical biology course. The simulations include eMind Fish, eMind Frog, eMind Fly, eMind Pig, eMind Cat, eMind Invertebrate, and eMind Animalcules.

The eMind Tutorial Series lessons are highly interactive and adaptive. Users progress through each unit at their own pace and are directed forward through the lesson or back to review based on their responses to questions. The follow sixteen units are included: Biomolecules, Cells and Organelles, Membranes and Transport, Chromosomes and Mitosis, Meiosis, Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, DNA Basics, DNA Technology, Evolution, Classification, Bacteria and Viruses, Protists and Fungi, Plants, Animals-The Invertebrates, Animals-The Vertebrates, and Ecology. Demo

Course Builder is an interface that allows the user to construct a customized series of tutorials based on their individual needs. The curriculum is composed of the 16 units found in the eMind Biology sequence. The 16 units are divided into 32 sections allowing greater flexibility.
The user begins by selecting the units that they want to investigate. They then take a Pre-Test with questions from the selected units. The course sequence is then established based on how they scored on the questions from each unit. Any unit that they score at or above the Passing Threshold (default setting is 80%) will be skipped in the sequence. The user then completes all of the units that they were deficient in. When they are done with the tutorials, they complete the Post-Test, again with the questions from the selected units. The Course Builder is included with the purchase of the eMind Biology Suite. Demo ·
eMind Course Builder Quick Reference Sheet
The user begins by selecting the units that they want to investigate. They then take a Pre-Test with questions from the selected units. The course sequence is then established based on how they scored on the questions from each unit. Any unit that they score at or above the Passing Threshold (default setting is 80%) will be skipped in the sequence. The user then completes all of the units that they were deficient in. When they are done with the tutorials, they complete the Post-Test, again with the questions from the selected units. The Course Builder is included with the purchase of the eMind Biology Suite. Demo ·

Biomolecules and Metabolic Processes identifies the four main groups of molecules that build living things. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, as well as their subunits, are investigated. The structure of ATP and the ATP cycle are described. The role of enzymes and chemical processes such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration are discussed. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.5, HS-LS 1.6, HS-LS 1.7) Demo

Cells and Organelles introduces the Cell Theory and the characteristics typical of all cells. The surface area to volume ratio is examined. Unicellular and multicellular organisms and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are compared and contrasted. The major features of prokaryotic cells are identified. All of the major organelles, including the endomembrane system, that are found in plant and animal cells, are described and identified. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2) Demo

Membranes and Transport presents the basic structure and properties of the cell membrane. Various components of the membrane, such as phospholipids, proteins, and cholesterol, are all discussed. The functions of most types of membrane proteins are described. Transport processes such as diffusion, osmosis, facilitative diffusion, endocytosis, and exocytosis are all described. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.3) Demo

Chromosomes and Mitosis outlines the fundament properties of chromosomes and presents all stages of the cell cycle. Students will identify and label the different parts of a chromosome. They will also identify the relationship between chromosomes and chromatin. Interphase, the four phases of mitosis, and cytokinesis are presented in detail. Students will identify cells in the different stages of mitosis. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.4, HS-LS 3.1) Demo

Meiosis teaches the process of gamete formation that results from meiosis. Students will distinguish between somatic and germ cells as well as diploid and haploid chromosome numbers. They will learn how crossing-over and independent assortment introduce variation into the process of meiosis. The four phases of meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 will be investigated and identified. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 3.1, HS-LS 3.2, HS-LS 3.3) Demo

Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance introduces the basic terminology and principles associated with the study of genetics. Various types of genetic crosses are investigated including, monohybrid, dihybrid, incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, sex-linked, and polygenetic inheritance. Students will complete various F1 and F2 crosses. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 3.1, HS-LS 3.3) Demo

DNA Basics provides students with a basic understanding of the makeup and function of nucleic acids. They will compare and contrast the structure of DNA and RNA as well as identify their use in information storage and protein synthesis. Students will also learn the role that these nucleic acids play in replication, transcription, and translation. Different types of mutations will also be investigated. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.1, HS-LS 3.1, HS-LS 3.2) Demo

DNA Technologies presents various technological uses of DNA. prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene regulation are described. The formation of a DNA fingerprint using gel electrophoresis is examined. Other topics include genetic engineering, cloning, PCR, chromosomal mapping, and the Human Genome Project. The function of restriction enzymes and the formation of 'sticky ends' are discussed. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 3.2) Demo

Evolution describes the mechanisms that drive how life has changed over time. Much of the evidence that supports the theory of evolution is presented. The relationships between natural selection and adaptation are explored. Homologous structures, fossil evidence, biogeography, biochemical homologies, embryological development are discussed. The process of punctuated equilibrium and gradualism are compared and contrasted. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 2.8, HS-LS 4.1, HS-LS 4.2, HS-LS 4.3, HS-LS 4.4, HS-LS 4.5) Demo

Classification introduces the modern scheme used to name and classify living things. From domain to species, the eight major categories used in classification are identified. The characteristics of the members of the three domains and six kingdoms are described. The complete classification of modern humans is also investigated. The use of a phylogeny and cladogram is discussed. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 4.1) Demo

Bacteria and Viruses presents the characteristics and structures found in bacteria and viruses. Processes such as binary fission, conjugation, endospore formation, Gram staining, lytic cycle, and lysogenic cycle are examined. Bacteria metabolism, prions, and viroids are also discussed. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 2.3) Demo

Protists and Fungi introduces the characteristics of members from these two diverse kingdoms. The general characteristics of the kingdom Protista and Fungi are described. The following members of these to kingdoms are included: ciliates, sarcodines, flagellates, sporozoans, euglena, diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae, brown algae, red algae, and slime molds, zygote fungi, club fungi, sac fungi, lichens, and mycorrhiza are all examined. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2) Demo

Plants compares and contrasts the characteristics of the four major groups of plants. Groups include nonvascular plans, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Plant life cycles are described in terms of alternations of generations. Additional topics include seed structure, angiosperms, flower structure, monocot and dicot characteristics, leaf and root structure, apical meristematic tissue, primary growth, and stem structure. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.4) Demo

Animals-The Invertebrates explores basic animal characteristics, but focuses on those of the invertebrates. The basic animal body plan and the developmental process are also explained. The organs of seven major body systems are compared and contrasted. The characteristics of eight common invertebrate phyla are examined in detail. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2) Demo

Animals-The Vertebrates explores the characteristics of vertebrates. Cardiovascular, respiratory and other major systems are described in detail. The characteristics of jawless fish, cartilage fish, bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are examined thoroughly. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2) Demo

Ecology introduces most of the important topics associated with the study of ecology. Topics included are ecosystems, succession, biomes, energy pyramids, food chains, food webs, feeding strategies, symbiosis, water cycle, carbon cycle, and nitrogen cycle. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 2.1, HS-LS 2.2, HS-LS 2.3, HS-LS 2.4, HS-LS 2.5, HS-LS 2.6) Demo

eMind Frog is an in-depth study of the anatomy and physiology of the frog. Students will investigate the external features, mouth features, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and skeletal systems. Four MiniLabs allow students to inquire about: breathing rate, the alimentary canal, heart rate, and muscle contraction. Students will graph the data that they collect using line, bar, and pie graphs. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo

eMind Fish includes the investigation and dissection of three fish, the lamprey, the dogfish, and the yellow perch. Each fish is presented in external, head, and internal views. A comparison section compares and contrasts the features of these three types of fish. Three MiniLabs allow students to investigate respiratory rate, capillary flow, and dissolved oxygen levels. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo

eMind Fly is an interactive tutorial that teaches the fundamentals of genetics. Students will investigate F1, F2, Sex-linked, and dihybrid crosses using virtual fruit flies. Each investigation includes pre-lab instruction, thorough open-ended lab simulation, and post-lab reinforcement. Also included is the Fly Breeder, an open-ended activity that allows students to analyze up to 26 different physical characteristics. Students will apply what they have learned to determine the pattern of inheritance of each trait. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 3.3) Demo

eMind Pig is an in-depth study of the anatomy and physiology of the fetal pig. Students will dissect the digestive, respiratory, urogenital, endocrine, and skeletal systems. Each system includes an Extension that elaborates on a specific area of that system. Two MiniLabs allow students to inquire about: how exercise affects carbon dioxide levels and how the heart rate recovers after exercise. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo

eMind Cat is an in-depth study of the anatomy and physiology of the cat. Comparisons between human and cat anatomy are present throughout the program. Students will thoroughly investigate the cat's skeletal system, musculature, and three organ systems. The musculature includes head and shoulder, trunk, pectoral, and pelvic views. The organ systems represented are the digestive, cardiorespiratory, and urogenital. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo

eMind Invertebrate provides an in-depth study of four common invertebrates. Students will observe and dissect three views of the squid, earthworm, crayfish, and sea star. A comparisons section allows students to compare and contrast the major systems of each of the four invertebrates. Included is a MiniLab that enables students to investigate the effects of different drugs on the heart rate of daphnia. Also included is a survey of over twenty other invertebrates. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo

eMind Animalcules and Other Cells is an open-ended microscope simulation that allows students to explore various cell types by viewing pictures and movies. Five different kingdoms are represented as well as cellular processes such as cytoplasmic streaming and phagocytosis. Three labs: Basic Cell Structure, The Movement and Feeding of Common Protists, and the Bacteria Lab are included. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo